Fict: Katherine Dolan's blog

Fict: Katherine Dolan's blog


Portal to Ur

Last year I was lucky enough to fulfil a lifelong dream of visiting the British Museum in London, which is arguably the world’s most illustrious stash of loot. One of the most fascinating halls was devoted to objects from Mesopotamia, particularly the Sumerian treasures. I've recently been reminded of the exhibition because I've been reading some interesting articles by Michael...

Introducing Asunción

As mentioned in my last post, we suddenly found ourselves grounded in Asunciόn, capital of the Republic of Paraguay. John felt terribly sick and...

Paraguayan Pit-Stop

Every so often, usually when everything is falling into place and you are congratulating yourself on being unusually organized and provident, Fate intervenes. Along...

Patagonia Ran

This year was the tenth edition of Patagonia Run and since I was in Argentina and interested in running somewhere beautiful, I decided to...

Violets on the Devil’s Poncho

One of my Facebook friends mentioned the existence of some beautiful old confiterias in Buenos Aires. A confiteria (as I learned from Merriam Webster)...